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MoonBeam Wellness Yoga Class

Welcome Beautiful Souls

It is time for you to reconnect with yourself - understand who you are. Develop a deeper connection with your gorgeous body.
Offering Yoga Classes in Todmorden & Littleborough.

Find harmony with your breath

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Yoga Class. MoobBeam Wellness. Dog

I am a 200hr Raja & Vinyasa yoga instructor with the yoga alliance. I did my training in the magical lands of Peru in the Sacred Valley - Pisac. I did the training for my own knowledge, to develop my practice further. I had a lot of doubts about teaching others as I didn’t think I was ready, until a wonderful friend in Panama gave me the opportunity to cover her classes. Wow!! I loved it, my whole body was tingling afterwards, I had accomplished a fear, a fear of standing and talking in front of a group. I get so much enjoyment from showing others the magic of yoga, the inner peace it can bring. It truly is a dream to share yoga with you all. A practice that we are all continually learning from.

Yoga is an ancient practice that unites us in a place of harmony, in our bodies, breath and in the present moment. It is a practice that takes you on a magnificent journey, whether you are using yoga for therapy, healing, to connect to yourself, distress or just for pleasure.  It is a practice that helps you manage the stresses of daily life, to feel comfortable and able in your body and  spacious in the mind.

Yoga is accessible to anyone who is interested in practicing. You do not need to be ‘flexible’ as many believe. You can do yoga with different body types. 

Yoga is not only about the physical, i believe it is a lifestyle. It develops your level of consciousness to your inner world, which then opens up your awareness to the external world.
It opens you up to Ahimsa - compassion. To yourself, to others and the earth.


Practising Yoga on the beach

Moonbeam Wellness asks that the students arrive with an open heart. To be vulnerable to try new ways of life. The practice shared is light, creative and based around alignment. Focusing on traditional Raja yoga but also contemporary and intuitive, to allow individuals to understand their own bodies and know how each movement truly feels in their body.  It is important that individuals know that it is a journey and we might not reach a certain pose today, but might be able tomorrow.
We move SLOW, with our breath and with intention. Moving slowly enables you to feel each movement in the body, observe all the parts of the body that are involved with each movement. Bringing deeper awareness to areas of tension or energetical blockages.

We move differently each day, meaning the classes are different and sculpted to each individual in the class.

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